I’m Paula Penn-Nabrit

Founder of Telos Training, Inc. | Empowering Women

Helping You Find & Forge Your Telos

Find your ultimate object or aim

Embracing the concept of Telos positively impacts women by empowering them to pursue personal fulfillment, challenge gender stereotypes, promote equality, and facilitate collective progress.

Personal Fulfillment

Recognizing and pursuing one’s individual Telos empowers women to live fulfilling lives. This involves understanding their unique talents, passions, and aspirations and working towards achieving their goals. 

Helping You Achieve Success

Unlock Your Full Potential. Say Hello to YOUR TELOS

Recognizing and pursuing one’s individual telos can empower women to live fulfilling lives. This involves understanding their unique talents, passions, and aspirations and working towards achieving their goals. By embracing their own Telos, women can find purpose and meaning in their lives, which can lead to personal growth and happiness.

Personal Fulfillment: Discover your unique purpose.

Empowerment: Pursue your aspirations without limitations.

Leadership: Leverage your unique perspectives and capabilities to drive positive change.

Societal Progress: Harness your talents and contributions to create a more inclusive and progressive environment, benefiting everyone.

Goal Setting

Telos provides a framework for effective goal setting by helping women identify their true purpose and align their objectives with their intrinsic motivations and passions.

Healthy Relationships

Embracing telos enables women to establish healthier relationships by prioritizing their personal fulfillment and growth, leading to stronger self-esteem and boundaries.

Stress Management

Telos can assist women in managing stress by providing a sense of purpose and perspective during challenging times, helping them stay focused on their long-term goals.

Career Building

Recognizing their telos allows women to make informed career choices, pursue meaningful work, and build a fulfilling career that aligns with their unique talents and aspirations.

What Is Telos Training, Inc?
Who is it For?

The Greek term “Telos” refers to the concept of purpose or goal. It is often associated with Aristotle’s philosophy, where he argued that everything in nature has a specific telos, an ultimate purpose or end towards which it naturally strives. When it comes to positively impacting women, the concept of telos can be applied in several ways.

Telos Training, Inc.’s mission is to develop and sustain passion and power. We support an often overlooked community of grown women pursuing a holistically healthy, three-dimensional life lived in balance with the spiritual, intellectual, and physical components of the self.

A Holistic Approach

Telos Training, Inc. recognizes the importance of addressing the spiritual, intellectual, and physical aspects of a woman’s life. By focusing on all three dimensions, we promote a balanced and comprehensive approach to personal development and well-being.

Focused on Empowering Women

Telos Training, Inc. aims to empower grown women by supporting their pursuit of a three-dimensional life. We provide resources, tools, and training that help women tap into their passion and power, enabling them to take control of their lives and make meaningful changes.

Building Community Support

Telos Training, Inc. recognizes the often overlooked community of grown women. We create a supportive environment where women can connect, share experiences, and uplift one another, fostering a sense of belonging and encouragement throughout their personal growth journeys.

Supporting Personal Growth

Telos Training, Inc. is dedicated to facilitating personal growth among women. We offer training programs and resources that enable women to explore their passions, develop new skills, and expand their intellectual and spiritual horizons, ultimately leading to a more fulfilling and purpose-driven life.

Balance and Well-being

Telos Training, Inc. emphasizes the importance of balance in a woman’s life. By addressing the spiritual, intellectual, and physical components of the self, we promote overall well-being and help women achieve a harmonious integration of these dimensions, leading to a more holistic and fulfilling existence.

About Me

I consider myself incredibly blessed in various aspects of my life.

In terms of spirituality, I feel blessed as a devoted Christian and a fourth-generation member of The Church of Christ of the Apostolic Faith. This apostolic/pentecostal church is the same one that my great-grandparents joined over 100 years ago!

Find Your Balance. Set Your Goals. Take A Challenge. Reward Yourself.

Telos Training, Inc. is dedicated to developing and sustaining passion and power in women. With a mission to support and uplift this often overlooked community, Telos Training, Inc. advocates for a holistically healthy, three-dimensional life lived in balance with the spiritual, intellectual, and physical components of the self.

By encouraging women to find their balance, set meaningful goals, take on challenges, and reward themselves, Telos Training, Inc. empowers women to embark on transformative journeys of personal growth and fulfillment.

Don’t Wait Any Longer. Start Forging Your Own Path Today!